Hey, most of us may have seen those Ghost Scarecrows in some places in any time that we are in some rural areas. Probably you feel wow, a little bit scared or even wonder why some Cambodian People put such scaring thing in front of there houses.
Is it to scare kids not to leave home or what ?
This is one of the scarecrows which is made up of the wooden body covered with the old and torn clothes. On the head wearing the leave hat make from Slek Tnont, and it is usually hanging on in front of the house where the gate way located. There are more scarecrows made up with the same patterns and maybe some different decoration.
Well, we will talk about the faith and belief. As Ihave known for long time and been told by my parents while driving to those places. My dad told me that, this anti-ghost scarecrows are used to scare and to drive away the evils who always come at night to take the people's souls
Probably this is really unsure for what, but people put those caring things just whenever there are some serious spread-out diseases take place in the community such as malaria diarrhea or others cruel disease that come to harm and take away many lives from the community.
houses because the evil can't get inside the house and the people believe that if the evil come to community that will be life losing in
the place, and they believe Scarecrows will drive away those evil from
theirwhole family will be secure
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